Amalgamated Security Services (Grenada) Limited

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Employee Retention

We are committed to upholding human rights and support in full the United Nations (UN) Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Core Conventions on freedom of association and collective bargaining, forced labor, child labor, and discrimination at work.

Employee Retention

Employee Retention

Retaining employees is an ongoing concern with many organizations. A recent Society of Human Resources Management Workplace Survey found the following as it relates to job satisfaction.

The top five factors contributing to job satisfaction include:

  1. 63%: Opportunities to use skills and abilities
  2. 6%: Job security
  3. 60% : Compensation/pay
  4. 57%: Communication between employees and senior management
  5. 54%: Relationship with immediate supervisor

How Does ASSL Address Retention?

Our Human Resource process core requirements include ensuring that employees are screened, inducted, and trained to perform their jobs. Nonetheless, we have a rigorous employee retention program consisting of:

  1. Building Employee Engagement
  2. Rewarding employees via our incentive awards scheme
  3. Providing professional development opportunities
  4. Creating and establishing a unique employee wellbeing and wellness program
Ethical Employment And Labour Relations
Amalgamated Security Services Limited complies with the laws applicable in the countries in which it operates. We are committed to upholding human rights and support in full the United Nations (UN) Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Core Conventions on freedom of association and collective bargaining, forced labor, child labor, and discrimination at work.

As an employer we are:

  • committed to providing a fair salary and good conditions of employment;
  • committed to providing a healthy, safe, and secure workplace for all employees and contractors;
  • committed to exercising high standards of integrity in dealing with and protecting the information of employees
  • opposed to discrimination at work and committed to promoting diversity;
  • committed to promoting the personal development and dignity of every individual employee;
  • respectful of the right of employees to join an independent trade union, the right to collectively bargain, and freedom of association;
  • opposed to all forms of slavery and exploitative child labor

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