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Regional Recognition Awards for Public Law Enforcement Sponsored by Amalgamated Security Services Limited Winning St Lucian Police Officer Gives Back To Schools

2020-01-30 17:53:00

Superintendent of Police, Mashama Sealy is giving back to the community.

The senior police officer won in the category of Top Caribbean Career Move via the Regional Recognition Award Program for Public Law Enforcement Sponsored by Amalgamated Security Services Limited in May 2019.

Sealy received a trophy and cash from the Regional Recognition Ceremony which was held in the Cayman Islands.

A handing over ceremony was conducted on Wednesday, January 15, 2020, to present a cheque to three schools namely the Canaries Primary School, the Corinth Secondary School and the SDA Academy, each nominated for assistance by the superintendent.

A cheque of $6,500 in total was handed to the schools.

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