Amalgamated Security Services (Grenada) Limited

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Package & Baggage Scanners

Experience in the operation of Walkthrough Metal Detectors and Baggage Scanners.

Package & Baggage Scanners

Package and Baggage Scanners

ASSL has considerable experience in the operation of Walkthrough Metal Detectors and Baggage Scanning Equipment. This experience arises because we supply and maintain this equipment in addition to being operators of the equipment.

ASSL are the representatives for the GE line of explosives and narcotics detection equipment. These include:

  • Itemiser, a trace detector that simultaneously detects positive and negative ions, enabling the detection of the broadest range of explosives while also detecting narcotics.
  • The lightweight, fast and extremely sensitive, VaporTracer that detects and identifies microscopic traces of both explosives and narcotics in seconds
  • EntryScan, a high throughput, non-intrusive walk-through portal that enables rapid detection of both explosives and narcotics.
  • StreetLab a portable substance identification system utilizes laser-based Raman technology to deliver fast, accurate, low-cost identification of unknown substances seized in the field. StreetLab analyzes and identifies a broad range of drugs and explosives in seconds.
  • ASSL are the agents for Ranger hand-held and walk-through metal detectors. ASSL is also the representative for L3 package scanners.
In addition to the supply and installation of scanning machines, Amalgamated Security Services Limited provides a service to customers under which ASSL staff scans packages for prohibited substances, using X-Ray equipment and/or metal detectors and/or narcotics detectors and/or explosives detectors.
Aside from those customers for whom we provide this service on an on-going basis, ASSL also provides this service for special events where security is of critical importance. Two such events that utilized ASSL’s service were the Summit of the Americas and the Commonwealth Head of Government meetings in Port of Spain, Trinidad. As part of these special services we were responsible for scanning the bags of all persons entering the exclusion zone and performing X-Ray scans of the physical persons.

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